Meez Celebrates 10 Years

It’s been ten years since I made the first Meez delivery out of the back of my Honda. It was a micro-business, just me and two students from Kendall College happy to practice their knife skills for a few hours a week. I was head chef and my husband was the primary taste tester, often enjoying a three-course dinner of tacos, risotto, and pasta in a single night if recipe development was backed up. My infant son came along on my stock-up runs to Restaurant Depot, and I spent many hours trying to explain what the heck a meal kit was all about. (This was ten years ago, remember, and the idea was brand new.)

I started by offering a month of free meals to some family and friends in exchange for their honest feedback and patience as my crew and I figured out production. But a funny thing happened after the second week: I got a paying customer right out of the blue. She’d heard about it from one of my friends and wanted in. And the next week three more people reached out, and then four more. Before I knew it, we needed our own kitchen and a dedicated team to meet demand.

I’ve lost count of how many people have emailed over the years to share their stories about how something special happens when they cook with Meez. Their lives are a little easier. Dinnertime is a little more fun. And the whole family enjoys slowing down and savoring a delicious meal together.

Anyone who has started a business knows there are many ups and downs, and the highlight of Meez has always been the people who cook with us. Their passion for great food, their willingness to try new things, and their support for our mission.

Thank you for cooking with us and making the last ten years such a pleasure. Please keep the stories coming and, as always, let us know how we can make your life a little easier.

Happy Cooking!

– Jen


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